Commonwealth of Dominica

Nature Island of the Caribbean

The Nature Isle

The small yet fascinating Commonwealth of Dominica, located in the beautiful region of the Caribbean Sea, holds a well-deserved reputation as the one and only Nature Island of the region. Boasting absolutely stunning natural wonders and breathtaking views, Dominica is a true paradise for those seeking to experience the raw charm and diversity of nature.

With its lush and verdant rainforests, crystal clear rivers, and sparkling waterfalls, it’s no wonder that Dominica has become a beloved travel destination for countless adventurers and nature enthusiasts the world over. Whether you’re looking to hike through the verdant depths of its forested hillsides, or simply relax and soak in the island’s sparkling beauty, the Commonwealth of Dominica is the perfect vacation spot for those looking to experience the breathtaking splendor of nature in all her glory.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide an in-depth understanding of the rich heritage and current state of affairs in Dominica. We’re passionate about showcasing the island’s history, traditions, as well as its economic and political situation.  

Our Vision

Our aim is to offer a comprehensive view of Dominica – not just as a traveler’s paradise, but also as a vibrant and unique community with fascinating cultural and social landscapes. Through our research and analysis, we hope to shed light on the challenges faced by the island and its people, and the efforts made towards sustainable development and growth. Our vision is to increase awareness and appreciation of Dominica’s unique character, and to inspire others to learn more about this captivating place.