Why the Website

Francis (Major) Richards is the charismatic CEO of Rich Gems Unlimited and a citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
His fascination for the ever dynamic developments on the island including its indeginous population, infrastructure, cultural heritage, economy, diverse citizenry was so strong that he accumulated numerous photographs, which beautifully depict the island’s various facets of past and present developments.
After deep contemplation, Major decided to showcase his treasured archive to the world through creating an exceptional, captivating and historical website that brings to life the essence of the vibrant island, its people and its incredible history, depicting their trials, tribulations and successes.
The website is a beautiful tribute to the island’s rich cultural heritage and serves as an impressive platform that enables the viewers to marvel at a visual journey through Dominica’s past and present with a projection into the future. This is a beautiful tribute to a country that has captured the heart of its citizens, friends and well wishers as it clearly highlights the patriotic spirit of Major Richards – (Honour – Duty- Country)

questions ?

Whether you’re curious about features, a location, object historical data we’re here to answer any questions.